Partnerships and team dynamics in the workplace can be complex. There are times when teams come together and have just the right dynamics to crush their goals and other times when the only thing they end up crushing are each other. So it’s no wonder why many leaders struggle to know how to manage these complexities and create successful outcomes. 

In this article, we have outlined 3 key ways leaders can sort through the complications and learn to create successful dynamics for their teams.   

Team Dynamics Tip #1: See Your People With Depth

One mistake many leaders make is having a static or shallow view of the people on their team. For example, they may have noticed that Simon is hard-working and task-oriented. Naturally, they match Simon up with all of the task-oriented assignments and projects. While Simon certainly possesses those talents, that’s also not all Simon is talented at. Seeing a person in such static terms is a disservice to them and prevents an appreciation and maximization of their talents.

“CliftonStrengths® allows leaders to see people with a richer and more complete view which empowers them to create more effective team dynamics.”

The CliftonStrengths® 34 report helps teams get away from having a static interpretation of themselves and others. It provides a complete view of each person and allows leaders to see their people with depth.

In this example, your recognition of Simon’s task-oriented abilities would probably be confirmed in his CliftonStrengths® 34 Report. The Achiever® theme would likely show up in his profile. However, you may also discover that Simon has the talent of Developer® as well. With just that extra layer of understanding, it becomes clear that Simon is not only task-oriented but also has the ability for training and developing others. Simon’s value to the team may be enhanced by allowing him to foster his high training abilities. This would also fuel his daily activities and engagement. He may be great at making sure the boxes are checked but could also help develop other people’s strengths and knowledge.

CliftonStrengths® allows leaders to see people with a richer and more complete view which empowers them to maximize their talents.

Tip #2: Stop Seeing Behavior As Random

When we don’t understand another person’s behavior, we tend to think their behavior is random, unpredictable, and irrational. But, believe it or not, people actually have a consistency to the way they behave. That consistency is directly connected to the way we see the world. When you better understand they way other people’s strengths inform the way they view the world, you can start to identify patterns. 

CliftonStrengths Themes Predict Behavior Patterns 

For example, someone with the Harmony® theme, may feel that there is little to be gained from conflict and seek areas of agreement. As a result, you may see a pattern in which they are constantly trying to keep the peace within their team. You may also notice that, when conflict arises, they have a habit of clamming up. Once you understand that person’s need for harmony, you can better understand that clamming up is their natural response to conflict (or lack of harmony). 

Knowing this gives you both the language and permission to have conversations around this theme. It gives leaders the opportunity to coach their people. In this example, a leader could help this person use the Harmony® strength to stop clamming up around conflict. They could, instead, coach them to use Harmony® to help others find areas of agreement. 

Team Dynamics Tip #3: Build a Strengths-Based Culture

When you have a complete view of your team and can also identify patterns in their behavior, you’ll have a lot more insight about how to create successful team dynamics. But, this valuable insight and information is far less valuable to you if you’re the only one using it. 

Of course, just completing the CliftonStrengths® 34 Assessment provides tremendous value and understanding to any individual who completes it. However, in the work we do at Bill Dippel Strengths Coaching, we don’t see CliftonStrengths® as a short-term, one-time solution. It’s more of a lifestyle than a tactic. 

CliftonStrengths® is About Creating a Strengths-Based Culture

CliftonStrengths® is about creating a strengths-based culture where strengths are at the center of everything you do. It becomes part of the on-boarding process for team members as they complete their assessment. It’s integrated into talent management and how managers learn to best maximize each person’s strengths. The tools allow team members to wrap words around how they think and what motivates them. They also allow leaders to facilitate coaching conversations around their CliftonStrengths® themes. As a result, individuals and leaders are able to aim their strengths in ways that are positive and useful to the team. 

Building a strengths-based culture is really the ecosystem people need to see beneficial partnerships and create successful team dynamics for better results. 


Putting It All Together 

When you have a clear view of each person on the team and you begin to see patterns in their behaviors, you can better manage their talents to create effective team dynamics. Building a strengths-based culture is how you invite your team along the process and empower them to improve performance. 

If you are a leader looking to improve team performance and are ready to take the next step towards building a strengths-based culture, schedule a call. We’ll talk about how we can partner with you to integrate CliftonStrengths into your workplace and also coach your team on how to end the communication struggles and work together in a way that everyone wins.